Frequently Asked Questions  

Do you have a question about ACA Reporting Service? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. For additional questions please contact us.

What is required to get started?

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Is the ACA going away?

Did you really just ask that? 🙂 Well, this one takes some time to explain, see how our Vice President Trent Hiott breaks it down in this video. Spoiler alert… the answer is “highly unlikely”.

Watch the Video

How long does the process take?

In tracking our customer experiences, most users are done in a couple of days. Although, a well organized and diligent user can get through the process in just a few hours. Please be mindful there are multiple factors that influence the timing including data gathering, quality of data, volume of requests on our end and a quality review of final forms. Use our data prep sheet and template as resources to prepare.

What are the data requirements?

There is a minimum amount of company and employee data that is necessary to complete your reporting. 

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Can you print and mail the forms for me?

Yes. Our Print & Mail Service add-on is selected by most of our customers for cost and convenience. As an option directly within our software, simply agree to the terms of service and choose either mail to employees or ship to employer.

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Are You a Broker, TPA, or HR firm looking to partner?

When considering if your organization should partner with a vendor to deliver something as important as ACA reporting, there is much to consider.To assist you in your process, we have developed a number of resources which you will no doubt find helpful to analyze your options.